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Learning matrix



Introduction to basic information about digital tools and new technologies

Digital education

Popular educational tools

Future education


How to recognize digital tools and technologies that can help us in our daily work

How to classify different tools according their main functionalities

For what type of activities we can implement digital tools

How to adapt to changes in education


To be aware of the possibilities of digital tools available.

To be aware of proper use of digital tools

Тo be familiar with the currently most common tools and to actively learn to look for new ones

To be aware of the new trends in education

Lesson plan

Toolkit Topic: The potential of digital tools /
new technologies in learning paths

Description of the Learning Activities


Materials or Equipment Required

Learning Outcomes Addressed and Assessment

Workshop Opening:

  • The facilitator opens the workshop by welcoming all learners and briefly introduce himself/herself and what experience he/she has on the given topic.

5 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment.
sheet for the workshop.
Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.
Projector and screen.

Activity 1: Introduction in digital tools

  • Digital tools
  • New Technologies
  • Digital era of education

10 minutes

Copy of PowerPoint slides for all participants

Training venue with IT equipment.

sheet for the workshop.

Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.

Projector and screen.


Copy of PowerPoint slides for all participants

Learners will gain an overview of what digital tools and technologies are and how they help in learning process.

Activity 2: Digital education

  • Digital tools on education, who are they
  • General classification of digital tools in education
  • The impact on education

15 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment.

sheet for the workshop.

Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.

Projector and screen.


Copy of PowerPoint slides for all participants

In this part, the most common uses of digital tools will be presented, the trainees will become familiar with the main fields of their application.

Activity 3: Popular educational tools

  • Digital tools practical guidelines-storage
  • Digital tools practical guidelines-video communication
  • Digital tools practical guidelines-presentations
  • Digital tools practical guidelines-digital dashboard
  • Digital tools practical guidelines-mind maps
  • Digital tools practical guidelines-building a website
  • Digital tools practical guidelines-robots as a learning tools

20 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment.

sheet for the workshop.

Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.

Projector and screen.


Here, learners will get hands-on examples of digital tools that are widely available, with links to each one

Activity 4: Future education

  • Future trends in education

5 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment.

sheet for the workshop.

Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.

Projector and screen.


Copy of PowerPoint slides for all participants

Тhe attendees can ask their questions on the topic

Workshop Close and Feedback

  • The facilitator brings the workshop to a close with a short Q&A on topic.

5 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment.

sheet for the workshop.

Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.

Projector and screen.


Copy of PowerPoint slides for all participants

Тhe attendees can ask their questions on the topic

Total duration of the module

60 minutes