Introduciton: Cyberbullying is a process where victims experience bullying, harassment, cyber aggression, cyber sensitivity, toxic social networking interactions. All these factors can lead to health problems, i.e. depression, anxiety, drug use etc. In order to avoid these, it is necessary to apply prevention measures against bullying.
Reflection and Transfer: Reflection on the essence of cyberbullying – why and for what reasons it happens and how to stop cyberbullying.
Closing Remarks: Cyberbullying takes place in an intentional way, when using electronic devices, game apps, social networks to insult, threaten, humiliate, intimidate or otherwise spread rumors about another person. These processes are experienced by victims of bullying, who lose motivation to live, develop depression and other health conditions. When dealing with cyberbullying, it is important to know why it starts and how to deal with it.
Key Learning Content 1: To effectively prevent cyberbullying, it is very important to understand the factors behind cyberbullying. The main determinants of cyberbullying are background, internet usage habits, emotions and literacy related to digital citizenship.
Key Learning Content 2: Here are some techniques of cyberbullying which will help you protect yourself from cyberbullying:
- Recognise Cyberbullying and Harassment
- Keep Careful Records
- Use Built-In Blocking, Ignoring, and Reporting Tools
- Investigate State Laws for Help
Here are some additional reasons people may do their bullying online:
- Anonymity
- Ignorance of the consequences
- Social pressure
- Frustration
- Entertainment
- Power
- Revenge
Introduciton: On the Internet you can find various people of age who hide behind masks and then start harassing other users. Today people are increasingly dealing with different types of bullying. Examining scientific sources, it was possible to see that cyberbullying increased when the public verdict was to stay at home due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This has led to an increase in the number of cyberbullying and victims.
Reflection and Transfer:
Cyberbullying can mostly be seen on these social networks:
- Instagram (42%);
- Facebook (37%);
- Snapchat (31%);
- Youtube (10%);
- Twitter (9%).
Key Learning Content 1:
Find out what social media platforms are popular for cyberbullying.
Facilitator prepares a list of random key words that can be used for bullying and asks the group to conduct a research of cyberbullying cases on different platforms (these can be posts on various issues, comments under the posts, etc). Then ask the group to share what they have managed to find.
Key Learning Content 2:
What features do social networks have to combat cyberbullying? Ask the participants to find policies on various platforms (this will show whether participants know what they are, where they are), then ask the groups to present the main facts of their policies on this issue. Ask the participants, if the found cyber-bullying cases go inline with the policies? Discuss