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Learning matrix



Social Networks: what are they and main social networks nowadays

Digital identity

Online reputation

Online privacy and digital sovereignty


How to make use of social networks in our personal and professional life

How to construct a positive digital identity

How to protect our digital identity

How to protect our online reputation

How to protect our data online

How to analyze critically the consequences of sharing our data online


To make good use of social networks

To be aware of the online resources available.

To be aware of our digital identity

To responsibly create a truthful digital identity

To be actively engaged on protecting our online reputation

To be aware of the risks of our action online and the registers of our activity

To be aware what is our data used for and by who.

Lesson plan

Toolkit Topic:
ICT tools for assessing the knowledge of end-users

Description of the Learning Activities


Materials or Equipment Required

Learning Outcomes Addressed and Assessment

Workshop Opening:

  • The facilitator opens the session by welcoming all students and introducing the key concepts of the module 6 (social networks, digital Identity, Privacy Online, Digital Sovereignty and Digital Reputation).

3 minutes

Pens and note-taking materials for all participants.

Projector and screen.

Learn about social networks and their possible use


The facilitator asks to participants to present himself or herself and answer the questions of the first activity (MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 5)

  • When all participants presented themselves and shared their experiences, the facilitator provided a definition of social networks and their possible use.
  • The facilitator explains to the participants that there are social media for personal use and social media for professional use, anticipating that later more on we will focus MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 6-7.

15 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment, and space to break-out into smaller groups.

Projector and screen.

Pens and note-taking materials for participants.

Activity 2:  CREATE YOUR LinkedIn PROFILE

  • The facilitator asks the participants if they know Linkedin and gives them 3 minutes to do an internet search.
  • The facilitator briefly explains what LinkedIn is and how to use it MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 9.
  • The facilitator asks the participants to create their own effective profile on LinkedIn.
  • Allow 15 minutes to reflect and share MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 10.
  • The facilitator shares some tips to make the most of Linkedin, as a conclusion of the activity.
  • MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 11-12.

15 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment, and space to break-out into smaller groups.

Projector and screen.

Pens and note-taking materials for participants.

How to create a perfect LinkedIn profile

Activity 3 : Digital Identity and Reputation:

  • The facilitator shows a video (Micro-Learning: What is Digital Identity) MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 15-16 to explain to the participants that to register on social networks it is necessary to create a digital identity.
  • The facilitator submits a case study to the participants “Losing your job for a post on Facebook, the impact of social media on life!”

(Case Study – Digital Reputation) and MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 17

  • The facilitator moderates the Reflection with the two questions found in the case study

15 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment, and space to break-out into smaller groups.

Projector and screen.

Pens and note-taking materials for participants.

  • Gain an understanding of digital identity and how to create it
  • Reflect about meaning,of Privacy Online in general and Digital Sovereignty
  • Understanding the importance of Digital Reputation and how to create a successful online Reputation

Workshop Close and Feedback

MECO_PR2_Module 6.pptx pag 18

  • The facilitator ask to participants:

– divide into groups of 2

– log into Facebook and randomly choose an open profile to analyze (a profile that is not among their friends, that they do not know).

  • ask to participants write on a sheet:

– what kind of friends does this profile have

– what’s his job

– what are his hobbies and interests

– what kind of information it publishes or shares

– if you keep your profile up to date

– if it is an active profile that interacts and shares publications

– if you would hire this person in your company if you were an entrepreneur

  • At the end each group will present the analyzed profile with the other participants.
  • Close and Feedback

15 minutes

Training venue with IT equipment, and space to break-out into smaller groups.

Copy of Activity Sheets (if relevant)

Apply the concepts learned through a practical activity, analyzing a Facebook profile

Total duration of the module

60 minutes