Toolkit Topic: ICT tools for assessing the knowledge of end-users
Case Study Title: Pool maker- a fun way to quickly grade
Duration of Activity: — minutes
Learning Outcome: This case study aims to show that assessment can be useful and fun
Aim of activity: Working with younger children, teenagers, even students sometimes requires an element of interactivity. Many studies show, especially with teenagers, that concentration during class is essential. In order to maintain the interest and especially to attract the attention of the learners, in some classes, instead of an oral exam, a quick test or another form of quick feedback, the new digital tools are used to bring variety to the assessment and assignments.

During Covid 19, a large part of the education of students and adolescents went online. A big problem for the teachers turned out to be the interest, especially of the younger ones, students up to 14 years old for example.
A large number of teachers, especially at the beginning, faced the problem of “ghost” students who entered class, turned off their cameras and sound, and it was not known whether they were actually present at the lesson or not.
Knowledge testing and assessment was also hampered by the fact that some children on the officially announced test days asked for help from their parents, so it was not clear whether the assessment was of the child himself or of the child and his helpers.
For this reason, some teachers took the opportunity immediately after the lesson to give a quick and short test to see what they understood and whether the children attended the lesson at all.
Some of them specifically used Poll Maker for quick and interactive questions, because most students have access to social networks, have emails, etc., so sharing the questions becomes quick and easy.
In addition to the specific material, there are questions such as: Who complained today that their microphone did not work? Answers: Alex, Emily, Ivan, Raya? In this way, the students have fun with the things they have experienced together, the teacher understands who was paying attention during the lesson, and with that, he also asks specific questions about the learning material. No serious preparation is needed, creating such a test requires a few minutes, and at the end of the class, this type of fun questions brings benefits to both trainers and learners.
Key Take-Aways:
- Just because training is moving into a new stage of development does not mean that it is not changing daily along with the needs of trainers and trainees. The time saved by assessment tools can be used for other useful learning-related activities. Time continues to be one of the most valuable resources, so educators can make it easier by using new digital tools
- Working with adolescents is time-consuming and requires a special approach. The new generations are more demanding, more interactive, but also easily bored. Their attention must be held in all sorts of ways, such as introducing new things to them during the learning process. Being part of something interactive makes them more interested, because for them interactive is the new normal.
- There are many new tools that educators can use in their daily work to provoke curiosity and creativity in learners.
- Do you use an ICT assessment tool?
- In what form do you use it most often? A test? Video? A multi-instrument mix?
- Do you know all the features of this tool?
- Do you think learners find it interesting?
- Do you think that this kind of tools help the students to concentrate and learn the material more easily?
- Would you recommend it to your colleagues?
- What would you like it to include additionally?